We’re currently
constructing brand new apartments
very close to Merano.

Hosler - Garni Revival

Garni Revival… what’s a Garni I hear you ask…well sit back and let me tell you a story. Once upon a time Garnis existed all over this part of the world, but during the course of time they were replaced, by gigantic luxury resorts and practically made extinct. Well dear reader, the gorgeous Garni style hotel – providing a nourishing night’s stay and bountiful breakfast – is staging a comeback. It’s all happening and it’s happening right here, in Merano’s hills. For us small is beautiful, quality outweighs quantity and getting to know your host is like returning home.

Natalie & Martin: the girl who talks to horses and the farm boy.

It’s oh so quiet... Everyone likes to relax and everyone needs to slow down...in just a few months our pool will be ready…if this guy gets a move on!

It’s catchy!

Merano, known for its food, its fashion and its easy pace, is just a few minutes stroll from our farm. Feeling a little bit lazy? We’ve got you covered, simply borrow one of our little Ciao mopeds and zip in to town in no time at all.

Einfach alle Freunde mit in den Urlaub nehmen? Kann man mal machen. 

Nimm mich bei der Hand und führe mich ins Hosler Urlaubsland.

16 nigelnagelneue Hof-Apartments. Eingerichtet mit Hosler's Kunstsammlung. Seid gespannt!

Influencer welcome. Kommt ruhig und sharet Euch ein bisschen um uns!

Hounds or hundreds?

We welcome both!